Ever notice at a cruise-in that the cool old original cars are missing or largely passed over when the awards are presented? I know this from personal experience and have also become unsupportive of non-charity fundraisers because there is no in incentive to participate.

   My suggestion to show organizers is that they include a "survivor" award in the various manufacturers classes to attract owners of well preserved and cared for vehicles that have been maintained with as much TLC as anyone who really appreciates the "sport".


Views: 29


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Comment by Michael Thies on July 20, 2017 at 11:16am

I know often times "Survivors" are not seen as sexy as hopped up machines and street rods, yet now and then some do get recognized. I do recall such an event at a GSRA meeting at the Cofer Museum a coupe years ago, as a remarkable 'Surivior" from Winder won Car Of The Month! ;-)

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