Chrsitmas Angels Festival & Toy Drive1 day fundraiser/toy drive event Dec 1st at Jug Tavern Park & Winder Pavillion from 7 am til 7 pm

Angels with faith Ministries will be holding a 1 day fundraiser/toy drive  Christmas Angels festival & Toy Drive at the Jug Tavern Park&Winder Pavillion at 113 East Athens Street in Winder GA 30680 on December 1st. .We  have a cutest Kids  contest with an entry fee of 1 new unwrapped toy parents/grandparents etc will need to bring a canister decorated with your child or childrens pictures etc & a new toy to us before November 25th ,voting will be from 7 am until 5 pm on Dec 1st live at our event whichever childs canister has raised the most money (which we count as votes) will win the grand prize donated by Disney World Orlando of a 3 day 2 night hotel stay & 4/ 1 day Park Hopper Disney tickets ,also a 3 day 2 night hotel voucher & a huge trophy,prizes for all entarnts please enter those cute kids by November 22nd (Rules available on our website) & we have prizes for all who enter.We also have several silent Auctions for Signed Dale Earnhardt collectibles with cert of Authenticity, Sports legends signed items,country superstar signed guitars,etc more to come also raffles all day long,everyone who donates a new toy will receive a raffle ticket to win great hourly door prizes donated by local merchants. We have free face painting & moonwalk for the kiddies,live music all day long,cotton candy ,popcorn,etc We hope to have everyones help & support to help us raise funds & toys for Georgia children who wouldnt otherwise have a Christmas, we provide Christmas gifts,warm clothing & food to 100s of children every year & expect 1000s this year. We are also hoping to have live radio broadcasts there & are still working to add more vendors (15 spots are available for a donation to our charity register before Nov 22nd),more fun,more musicians,& hopefully with all of your support a car show woudl be wonderful to help bring more people out to this great event for kids in need. To volunteer or to donate hotdogs,sodas,snacks,cakes etc for bake sale,to register to play live at this event with your group or band,etc please contact Lori Tuck,director at 678-754-1541 or email at We hope to have a great turnout & to raise enough money so that no child in Georgia will have to go without Christmas gifts,warm clothing & food this Christmas  100% of the proceeds & donations from this event goes directly to our Christmas Angels Program & we help in every town,every county in Georgia. You can also choose a family to adopt for Christmas at this event & we will be signing families up as well & you can choose a family from our list of families in need to adopt each family will be listed by the city where they live,with each childs 1st name,age & clothing sizes & actual Santa wish list to make it easier for Angels to decide which family or families that they would like to adopt or sponsor.The great thing is that we do differently we make it possible for you to actually meet & work with that family personally or through us it is your choice so taht you can see & knwo where your help is going & best of all all donations are 100% tax deductible even with the new tax laws because we are also registered as a non-denominational Church EIN number 27-1972461 websites & we are a 501c3 non-profit charity run by volunteers & receive no funding we rely on teh tax deductible donations of angels in our community

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Comment by Angels with faith Ministries on October 30, 2012 at 5:17pm

Please note new phone number for our volunteer Avis C is 678-887-5395 we are preparing to get very busy beginning Nov 1st & are hoping that Christmas Angels will help us make this a Merry Christmas for children in need ,it would break my heart to know that any child has tears on Christmas morning because Santa forgot them again

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