I am disappointed! I received an e-mail to confirm I was selected to film for future My Ride Rule shows, I heard from no one and after completing all the necessary information, attending auditions, setting up filming location, leaving messages and calling, I finally got a big let down. I am the pres. of a car club and attend lots of car shows, everyone keep asking me a "when is it going to air. Humm, disappointed.
Those people from My Ride Rules are useless idiots & the show is stupid anyway. This was my story with them which I posted on there facebook page..... Basically this is fair warning to future applicants!!!
To People @ My Ride Rules --No hate here, just Anger
Here is the facts:
My Camaro was chosen by you guys & was to be one of the 1st filmed per Max (the assistant producer) per multiple conversations starting at 1.5 months ago (End of November). My initial application got lost and had to be resubmitted. I had to send in the property release 2 times for the filming at my home being it also got lost, and I was asked to get permission for neighboring driveways for other contestant’s cars, which I did but did not receive any response back after getting permission for your show. I was supposed to be filmed the 16th, 18th, & 28th and I was assuming that we were starting in my driveway, (but not sure). I called in last Wednesday the 11th, spoke w/Renata (the Assistant Production Coordinator) to try & find out the schedule & was told Max & crew were flying in to Atl. that day & someone would call me with the advance notice. On Thursday the night the 12th, I received a phone call from Chase asking me if I would be able to shoot on Tuesday the 17th vs. Wednesday the 18th & I said okay. I then asked again about a heads up on the schedule & his comment was “That’s on a need to know basis & I don’t need to know”. On that note I responded “And I don’t need to be on the d#*n show” he then back peddled assuring me that “someone would call me with plenty of advance notice for the filming” (Fine, but this is now thin ice). Friday came & went, Saturday came & went, on Sunday evening the 15th the day before the shooting, I receive a phone call from Max stating that I have to be on the other side of Atl. ready to be filmed by 7:15 am sharp with my car to be filmed in someone else’s driveway. I told Max, “Nope, Not Happening w/last minute info” (w/alot of other angry choice words tossed in) I then proceeded to tell him about the conversation with Chase & “that I thought that he needed to know”, communication is very important, & this is NOT plenty of advance notice, this is more like drop the ball and jump threw hoops. If notice was given in a timely fashion, arrangements could have been made, but it wasn’t. Monday comes & goes then Tuesday evening I receive a phone call to tell me where to be on Wednesday morning……. Hello….once again…. (lack of communication), the right hand doesn’t know what the left is doing. I then again explained that between, losing paper work twice, the need to know comment, & non existent communication, I was no longer on the show. So this it is not hating, just anger so please don’t be confused. I planned & was looking forward to being on the show with my car (trophy girl was a good cute perk) even though, I was nervous letting people drive my car, but had agreed to and was willing, just way too many red flags. Letting contestants know where they need to be with adequate advance notice should not be a difficult thing………Long and drawn out, but that is the story.
Hopefully in the future communication will be better or at least tell the contestants ahead of time that the ball gets dropped the night before so be ready for jumping threw the hoops.
If you have not done so already, please forward your completed paperwork as soon as possible.
PLEASE NOTE, this show is not subject to any guild or union collective bargaining agreement (I.E. SAG or AFTRA), whether you are a member of a guild or not.
If the property you live in features a driveway we may choose to film your car at that location which would require a location release to be signed by the legal owner of the property. We also look for other nearby properties for filming the same day so please let us know if a) you have a driveway or b) you have friends/neighbors/family that would be willing to let us film in their driveways and if possible, send us a photo of the potential driveway.
Please note: ***If we are able to use your driveway for filming, there cannot be any visible Christmas decorations on the outside of the house.
Please contact the production team with any questions, queries or any issues with the above that may prevent you appearing on the show.
We are very excited about the program and look forward to working with you.
“My Ride Rules”
Tel: 323 785 2150
Fax: 323 785 3927
Mike, This is the official e-mail that I received from My Ride Rule
Dear Contestant,
You have been selected to go through to the next round of casting to appear in the second cycle of the new SPEED TV series “My Ride Rules”. Apologies if you have already spoken to one of the production team regarding the project but we wanted to give you some more information about the show.
IMPORTANT NOTE - Please contact us immediately if you no longer wish to participate in the program.
Please be aware that to participate in the show, other contestants will be required to drive your vehicle. This will be a monitored, filmed test drive and there will always be someone else in the car with them. This will be on neighborhood streets with all official permits and regulated speed and safety procedures.
Should you make changes to your vehicle prior to your filming date or your vehicle is involved in some kind of accident or incident please make production aware immediately
If you are not the registered owner of the vehicle you are using for the show you must be able have an authorization form (which we will provide) signed by the owner giving you permission to use it. Also, you MUST provide a copy of the car's title from the registered owner.
You understand that as per your Participant personal release, Upper Ground will not be responsible for any damage to your vehicle or any persons as a result of you and your vehicle participating in the program, whilst being driven by you or by any of the other participants.
Any claims will fall under your insurance policy and, in order to participate, you will be required to have an insurance policy on your vehicle, for the days you film, listing you as a driver on that policy and with bodily injury limits of $100/300k. Production will need a copy of your policy summary to verify these limits, this can be faxed to the number below.
If selected to participate, you (and your vehicle) will need to be available for 3 SEPARATE, POSSIBLY NON-CONSECUTIVE DAYS in the following period:
January 14th – January 29th (Atlanta area)
Production will provide you with as much notice as possible in regards to the dates you (and your vehicle) will be needed. PLEASE RESPOND ASAP TO THIS EMAIL WITH ANY DATES WITHIN THAT PERIOD THAT YOU WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE.
Per the participant personal release you signed, if selected to participate in the program, you will receive a STIPEND to cover your time and reasonable expenses of $500 total with the opportunity to win a cash prize of $1000. Production will provide lunch for you on filming days.
The Network require us to process all potential contestants through a background check. If you have any outstanding tickets/warrants/probation the background check will show these and we will be unable to proceed with you unless they are cleared down. We recommend that you are completely open in regard to anything outstanding on your record when completing the paperwork and if possible, clear down anything outstanding prior to submitting.
Production will require the following paperwork, completed in full, to move forward with your appearance.
- Participant Personal release
- Background questionnaire
- Copy of your drivers license
- Copy of your insurance policy summary showing coverage limits
- Signed location release for your home (by the owner/landlord of the property) and/or location release for property where your vehicle is stored(attached to this email)
- Personal Release (attached to this email)
If you have not done so already, please forward your completed paperwork
Mike, that's just it I received an e-mail stating I was selected, but nothing after that. It stated I would be filming the week of Jan. 14-29 and they would inform me in advance of the time. I don't know what happened, but I am still disappointed, I have trophies taller than I am. Oh well. Hope to see you out there this year.
There were several different contacts. I just hate I told everyone, I won 22 trophies last year alone.
Likewise. I wish they had contacted the folks that weren't chosen to let them know. I found out when my frends were slelcted and I had not heard anything at all. Was there information on your correspondence about who you could contact to inquire? I didn't even get that much.
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