SEMA Action Network (SAN) <> -Congressional Legislation Would Allow Hobbyists to Purchase Turn-Key Replica Cars

Congressional Legislation Would Allow Hobbyists to Purchase Turn-Key Replica Cars
Enthusiasts Could Still Construct Home-Built Kit Cars Under Bill

A SAN-supported bill (H.R. 2675)has been introduced in the U.S. Congress that would allow companies that manufacture a limited number of cars each year to produce turn-key replicas for customers nationwide.  The bill will not change an enthusiast’s ability to build a kit car from parts in their own garage.  The bill simply provides an option for those enthusiasts who want to buy a completed replica car.


“Low Volume Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Act of 2015” (H.R. 2675)

  • Companies currently sell “replica” cars without drive-train components to consumers.  Generally, these are cars that resemble vehicles produced over 25 years ago. 
  • HR 2675 would provide companies with the option of selling up to 500 replica cars a year to consumers as completed vehicles, while still selling kits to enthusiasts who prefer to build the vehicles themselves.  Enthusiasts would also still have the ability to build specially constructed vehicles that don’t replicate older vehicles. 
  • The states have categories for these replica and kit cars, many of which allow them to be titled and registered by the model year that they most closely resemble (ex: ’32 Ford, ’63 Cobra).  They are collector cars shown-off at car shows, exhibitions and on the weekends, not daily drivers. 
  • Why is HR 2675 necessary?  The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) only has a “one-size-fits-all” method for regulating commercial vehicle manufacturers and views turn-key replica cars to be current model year vehicles and subject to the same rules as companies that produce millions of cars.  This bill provides separate regulations that will enable smaller companies to produce ready-to-drive replica cars for consumers that prefer that option.

The SAN will keep you informed as the bill moves through the legislative process.  In the future, we will ask that you contact your elected representatives in Congress and request their support.  For more information, contact Stuart Gosswein at



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Comment by Michael Thies on June 18, 2015 at 9:28am

VICTORY! Score another one for the SAN.

The Nevada bill to restrict hobby car registration was VETOED by Governor Brian Sandoval: This veto comes after a lot of hard work done by the SAN and its supporters.

A big thank you goes out to everyone who helped us oppose this bill, we couldn't have done it without your help!

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