“Meet the Clock” – A Unique Road Rally to the North Georgia Seafood Festival - Instructions

“Meet the Clock” – A Unique Road Rally to the North Georgia Seafood Festival

When: Saturday June 1, 2019

Purse: $1750.00 plus Coupons

Entry Fee $125- ($20 for the Humane Society)

  1. Drive and Navigator pre-register as late as May 26, 2019
  2. Shotgun Start: as early as 8:00AM Sat morning June 1, 2019
  3. Select your starting point in any of 5 Southern State Locations.
  4. The Drive team will take a “Selfie” at the SouthEastWheelsEvents.com official clock and record the date, time and location.
  5. Text the picture to the appropriate judge designated at the starting point. With the picture include your team name and the current mileage of your rally car.
  6. Proceed to the next predetermined pit stop along your route.
  7. Each pit stop will have the official SEWE.com Road Rally Clock.
  8. Meet the clock and take a selfie, recording your time and some pit stops have a required layover time.
  9. Be sure to take a selfie as you leave the pit sop to record your layover time. Be as precise as possible. Layover time is just as important. Don’t forget to record your current mileage.
  10. Text your pictures on to your judge with your new mileage figure.
  11. Head on to your next stop and repeat.
  12. Each route will have 5 stops: 1) the entry point; the intermediate stops-#2, #3, #4 and the fifth and final stop-The SouthEastWheelsEvents.com tent in Young Harris, GA. The entry point will determine your route. Each route will be approximately 121 miles of the 5 States’ scenery, points of interest and beautiful back roads. Your individual rally will be tabulated against an idealized run based on time and distance.
  13. Points will be subtracted from your actual arrivals and departures times based on the ideal. Every participant will Arrive at Pit Stop #4-Grandaddy Mimm’s Distillery.
  14. The last leg for each participant will be the 9.4 miles into Young Harris, GA. In the event of a tie, this leg of the rally will require the most exacting time and mileage readings and the least number of points deducted on this leg of the run will be used to break a tie.
  15. Upon arrival in Young Harris, GA find your way to the SouthEastWheelsEvents.com Judges Tent and record your final “Selfie”.
  16. Text this picture with your final mileage reading. The judges will tabulate your comings and goings and will determine the winners.
  17. Enjoy the Seafood Festival while the judges get to work.
  18. Winners and prizes will be awarded at 5:00PM.

Thank you and Good Luck.  


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