Loss of a good friend! - Team RFC News - Gerald Aldridge June 8, 2015


*This is a reprint of a Team RFC News report from June 8, 2015. According to Gwinnett Police Gerald died in a fatal motorcycle accident which occured just before 11 a.m. near 2283 Buford Dam Road in Buford, GA. We have lost a good friend. MET

It is with a sad and heavy heart that we must tell you about the passing of our Rodders For Christ Director, Gerald Aldridge. Gerald died on Saturday, June 6, 2015. Gerald was a wonderful man of God who loved his family and loved Jesus. His love for Christ led him to apply as a chaplain with Team RFC® in 2001. He faithfully served the motorsports community for almost fourteen years. On January 1, 2013, Gerald took on the role as a director with Team RFC® for Rodders For Christ. He had a servant's heart and worked hard to do his best in that role...to which we are forever grateful.

When something like this happens it always catches us off guard. Even knowing that Gerald is in the presence of almighty God and his Savior, Jesus Christ, it is difficult for us not to wonder why. It can happen to any of us at any time. We need to make sure we are ready to meet the Lord.


Let's continue to lift up his wife Peggy and their family at this time of loss. God tells us to "mourn with those who mourn" (Romans 12:15, NIV). And we are all doing just that, mourning the loss of such a wonderful brother in Christ.  


Gerald made an impact on the lives of those he came in contact with, whether at a race or car show. As we continue to reach out to the racing and rodding community, let us never forget the frailty of life and the importance of what we are doing as chaplains, especially as we share the love of Jesus with those who may not yet know Him. "Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes" (James 4:14, ESV).


RFC President Larry Smiley will assume the position as the acting Rodders Director at this time.


       Memorial services for Gerald Aldridge will be held at Trinity Christian Fellowship on Thursday, June 11th. Visitation will be from 12:00-1:00PM and the service will begin at 1:00PM.


Trinity Christian Fellowship

1985 Old Fountain Rd

Lawrenceville, GA 30043

T 770-339-0017

E info@tcfchurch.com





In Christ, 

Larry Smiley, Jim Jack, Eddie Baugher

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