This April will be the 3rd annual ImportAlliance gathering at the Atlanta World Congress is coming in April.

Last April I heard of an up coming event in Atlanta, that was not on anyone's published calendar of events. It was publicized through bulletin boards and emails. Although part of my job is looking everywhere for events, I have child hood issues with bulletin boards, Dungeon and Dragons and failed physics experiments due to a misplaced digit. So there is much I miss and have to rely on the kindness of others to keep me informed on what goes on in "the Boards".


So when I heard from one of my sources that this was the second year of this event in Atlanta, I just had to go, I a;ways though a parking structure was a great idea and here was someone doing it.  I got up early Sunday morning to drive to the parking structure of the Georgia World Congress Center pay $5.00 and hang out with a bunch of other worshipers.


Even though I arrived early there was a line to get in and there were already quite a few imports in the garage. I wound my self up to the floor where Abby Cain from NOS told me the organizers were set up.



There were already a couple of thousand people milling around and others picking out parking spots there was a huge crowd and what seem like a party going on in a corner occupied by the most unconventional Honda 2000 I had ever seen. This car looked like a race car, and inspite of its Georgia registration if it looks like a Duck....Its a race car.




At every turn there was something of interest, with unique vehicles and the great variety of people just having a good time talking about their cars. I think I counted 9 levels to this garage the operator was reserved the first to levels for customers and employees of the Center and many more parked out side for free and walked in.


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So how did this begin?

From the ImportAlliance web site

The ImportAlliance concept is the brainchild of a group of Nashville, Tennessee based import car owners and enthusiasts. The three principal owners of ImportAlliance, Ron Cartmell, Don Napier, and Omari Winbush, embarked upon the mission of organizing a grass roots event to bring together all aspects of the import car culture in April of 2006.   The first ImportAlliance occurred on July 30, 2006 and was a tremendous success.  Since then we have grown to become the largest all import car meet in the country.


It’s a grassroots style… cruise-in/ meet/ social gathering/ show-n-shine/ learning opportunity/ teaching opportunity/ marketing opportunity/ motorsports event. ImportAlliance is everything that you love about import cars. It is not a lifestyle event. It is how people who enjoy import cars get together and have fun while learning things to make their cars better. ImportAlliance is about import cars and the people who drive them.


For the import car enthusiast, ImportAlliance is a truly laid back, relaxing, and  fun atmosphere that will allow you to interact with other people just like you. For the aftermarket and OEM manufacturers of import cars and performance parts, ImportAlliance will give you unfettered access to real import car enthusiasts. Also you can take the opportunity to conduct market research, as well as to debut, demonstrate, and position new product lines.  ImportAlliance attendees are credible customers who know how to spot quality and are committed to using quality products and services.


The meet began in 2006 and has since become the largest Multi-Manufacturer Import Car meet in the country. The number of cars and attendees has steadily grown from the beginning.

2006- 700 cars and approximately 1500 people in 2006 for our first event

2007- 1200 cars and approximately 3000 people for the 2nd annual event.

2008- 1900 cars and approximately 4000 people for the 3rd annual event

2009- 3500 cars and approximately 5000 people in attendance.

National and Local Sponsors and Vendors have increased for every year.


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