Day One, Run For The Fun Ocala, Florida

Morning Mopar Fans....

What a better way to start a trip then to meet at 7:30am....well there we were ready to get on the road...there is nothing better then to see a line of some of the best cars there ever were, with a police escort. Whew, I still am in awe of seeing this, of course I got to be in the line with off we go at 8:00am, into the sunrise, ready to meet up with other mopar guys. We took the back roads to the highway, it's so cool to see the countryside, especially to me, the big city woman....I love watching people watch us. I saw a guy in a pickup truck on the highway, video taping us as he drove by....we made a couple of stops on the way, picked up some folks, had lunch and made it to Ocala around 4:30...whew we were here. What excitement to look forward to seeing all those amazing Mopar Cars. We bbq'd out by the pool, everyone got a chance to talk and enjoy good food. Then came the trivia questions, it looked like everyone enjoyed. So today off to the show field, lot's of walking, meeting new people and just looking around and seeing how much everyone is enjoying the show. So until later, happy motoring, and Mopar or no Car....

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Comment by Linda on February 28, 2011 at 3:45am
Thank you for doing that.....I keep forgetting they moved it, which I hate, but I am going to try and make it...I loved it when it was closer to my house....hehe....thanks again, Linda
Comment by Miguel Caparros on February 26, 2011 at 3:47am
One of us will try to make it. I featured it in the calendar. If you have not been to it yet and are an early Sunday Morning riser Try to make it to Caffeine and Octane on the 6th in Alpharetta, It is a worth wile experience. From 7AM to 11AM over 700 cars and thousands of spectators. Rain or shine
Comment by Linda on February 26, 2011 at 3:26am
I will, our first show of 2011 is March 5.  Mopars at the Galaxy....I'm ready for the car shows.....
Comment by Miguel Caparros on February 25, 2011 at 4:02am

 Thanks Linda, I hope you will post your events for 2011 in the calendar. Remember when posting articles and stories here you can also include photos or video in the ducument

Thank You.

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