Day 2, Run for the Sun Cruise, Ocala, Floria

Yesterday turned out to be a great day for a car show, little windy, but the sun was shining on the beautiful cars. There was 236 cars, all Mopars, now does it get any better, probably not!!.....Challengers, Chargers, Coronets, oh my!!!!!, blue, green, orange, pink, fushia, plum crazy, they were all there. There was an amazing Fury, purple convertable, boy was it pretty. I'm a huge Challenger fan, and they were there plentiful. New ones and old ones. WOW!!! The swap meet was busy, people came to buy parts to make their cars better, or just needed to fix...

the car coral had some nice cars too, I found a couple I would have loved to buy lol .I have to say there are the friendliest people you can come across. When you have that many car enthusiasts in one place, you know you have great people.

Last night the North Georgia Mopar Club and their friends met at Stumpknockers, a seafood restaurant for good food and drinks. We took over the upstairs, of course the other diners had to put up with our noise and chatter, but we didn't hear any complaints. Going to Stumpknockers for the club is a tradition started about 12 years ago by a previous member Mike all in all a great time was had by all.

We did have a few members who won awards, congratulations to those folks....

Well today is a day of driving home, but first go back to the show and see the new cars coming in today, then get in the car and drive home. It was a great time and lot's of fun. Getting to talk, hang out with friends, that is the best!!!! The Florida Mopar Association certainly knows how to put on a great show....

Happy motoring....Mopar or No Car!!!!

I will post pictures as soon as I can...

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Comment by Linda on November 8, 2010 at 2:39am
Thank you, how nice of you to say that.....boy did I take some> When they were giving out awards on Saturday, that's what I thought they said. I believe they also said they were down a little from last year, but something about the AMC cars not being there. I didn't hear it all, and didn't hear it well.....hehe
Of course it was nice to see you and Eloise, you guys are such nice people.
Comment by jim (MOPAR JIM )nelson on November 8, 2010 at 2:31am
Someone will get a great employee when they hire you from the ranks of the unemployed. You gave an accurate idea of the show Linda. I would have guessed 500 cars. I saw that you put our fliers on a lot of the cars, you are good. Can't wait to see your photo album.

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