C&O Invitational Show Vehicle Display Application


Sandy Springs GA Festival & Caffeine & Octane
Sponsored by www.SouthEastWheelsEvents.com

Spetember 17 & 18, 2016
C&O Invitational Show Vehicle Display

Each year, nearly 30,000 attendees gather at the Sandy Springs Festival to shop the street-lined booths with more than 200 artists, crafters, and vendors, and enjoy good times with music, food, and fun. The special “Man Cave” area will have a beer garden, games corner, a BBQ, music and a display of cool cars, cycle, & trucks.

A Man Cave Display of some of the finest and most desired collectible vehicles in the South East USA will be on display for Festival participants. Collectors and owners interested in having their vehicle in a Setting to be displayed, you are welcome to apply. There are limited spaces left so apply ASAP! There are only going to be 12-15 vehicles (per Time Setting) for a select number of cars, bikes and trucks to be shown in one, two, three or all Settings. Check your preferred choice(s) below:

Two Settings on Saturday September 17: [ ] Setting One: 9am to 1pm
                                                             [ ] Setting Two: 1pm to 5pm
Two Settings on Sunday September 18:   [ ] Setting Three: 10am -1pm
                                                             [ ] Setting Four: 1pm to 4pm

www.SouthEastWheelsEvents.com Members and Visitors are welcome to apply for any or all Settings to bring your favorite collectible vehicle, car, truck or motorcycle. We are inviting only those persons who will be properly representing the hobby and the industry!
Name: __________________________________ Email: ___________________________
Phone: __________________________________ Describe the vehicle you be bringing:
Year & Make ______________________________________________________________
Model and Features ________________________________________________________
Your story behind your choice to have this vehicle __________________________________

Mike Thies – Mike@SouthEastWheelsEvents.com – 770-883-0160

Copy & Paste this Application into an Email and send it to Mike@SouthEastWheelsEvents.com. Please call me to confirm receipt. Thank you.

Views: 329


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