Never mind your Trans Ams, your Boss Mustangs, even your Hemi Charger Daytonas.
For the most awesomely named performance car, I give you the Apperson "Big Dick" -
1907-1908 Apperson Big Dick, 96hp For those with $15,000 to spend, Apperson would put their race engine in a 50hp Jackrabbit runabout to create the Big Dick. A 96hp racing runabout, the Big Dick actually had the highest advertised horsepower in an American automobile through 1914. It had open exhaust and a 6 1/4-inch bore and 5 1/2-inch stroke, for Amazingly, the company sold 15 of them, and that in the face of competition from Locomobile's own $15,000 short stroke, 90hp Cup Racer (the factory claimed 120hp for the 1906 Vanderbilt Cup car upon which it was based).
Thank you to Rusty O'Toole

Click Here For More About The Breakthough Haynes-Apperson Automobil...
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