Jessee L Purvis's Blog – February 2013 Archive (5)

Weekly Update

there is going to be cruise it at Oz Pizza this saturday on Riverside pkwy, i won't be able to make it because i will going out of town for the weekend i will be setting up another meet in the coming week and trying to set up a charity show for march to raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project as i am a Wounded warrior from afghanistan i'd like to help out my brothers and sisters that were wounded in action like myself, details will be coming in the near future of the time and date of the…


Added by Jessee L Purvis on February 13, 2013 at 4:46am — 3 Comments

update on situation

the family emergency has been dealt with, all things are as good as they can be for the moment. on the 19th of Feb. they are having a cruise in up near me at OZ Pizza, this will be our next meet despite not organized by me it will be a way to draw attention to the club, if you would like to come i will let you know of the time. OZ Pizza is located over here  in douglas county on Riverside Pkwy Near the Tributary. if you would like to come let me know let's shake it up a little most are…


Added by Jessee L Purvis on February 10, 2013 at 3:26am — No Comments

Update on today's meet

had to leave early around 3pm family emergency came into play had to leave sorry for not being able to meet some of ya'll next time all will be better and different again i am sorry that i didn't get the chance to meet you. hope you can accept my appology, wish you have a pleasant day.

other than that those that came i thank and look forward to the next time we can meet up to those that didn't get the chance to meet me or the others i apologize, i promise next time i will meet you… Continue

Added by Jessee L Purvis on February 9, 2013 at 9:17am — No Comments

A Little about our club *WGANCCC*

The West Ga Nova & Classic car club is a club for those with novas and classic cars, originally it was Douglas county nova club but since the nova club has co-opted with the west ga classic car club, both clubs are founded by J. Purvis, we try to have atleast a meet and greet every four to six weeks, and a car show every five months. our annual dues are only $50 a year half goes to the club and towards finding new locations, the other half is donated to either st. jude's childrens hospital… Continue

Added by Jessee L Purvis on February 9, 2013 at 4:11am — No Comments

Meet and greet cruise in Feb.9th

the West ga Nova & Classic Car club will be having a meet and greet this staturday from 11:30am-4:30pm at arbor place mall in douglasville we will be meeting in the parking lot infront of Bed Bath and Beyond, These meet and greets are for those who would like to be part of the club and join a club unlike any others where any condition classic car or nova is welcome aslong as it can be driven. we have these meet and greets every three-four weeks to give a welcoming to the club for new…


Added by Jessee L Purvis on February 6, 2013 at 4:06am — No Comments

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