Welcome Lt Bill!
We are so pleased to have you joining us! We are looking forward to pictures & videos of your Durgango, as well as any other vehicles that you enjoy. Please consider contributing stories about your vehicles to our blog posting. We always enjoy the personal experiences of our friends.
Also, we are looking for help posting events about wheeled vehicles, club meetings, etc. in your area that we may have overlooked. It is one of the real strengths of our website Calendar that anyone can post an event, meeting or activity at anytime. The submission process is so straight forward that anyone can do it as long as they have the basic information people will need to consider attending.
Add me as a Friend and I can help with special events, announcements and stuff.
Mike Thies
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Welcome to SOUTH EAST USA WHEELS EVENTS-Car and Motorcycle Events Calendar
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Join SOUTH EAST USA WHEELS EVENTS-Car and Motorcycle Events Calendar
We are so pleased to have you joining us! We are looking forward to pictures & videos of your Durgango, as well as any other vehicles that you enjoy. Please consider contributing stories about your vehicles to our blog posting. We always enjoy the personal experiences of our friends.
Also, we are looking for help posting events about wheeled vehicles, club meetings, etc. in your area that we may have overlooked. It is one of the real strengths of our website Calendar that anyone can post an event, meeting or activity at anytime. The submission process is so straight forward that anyone can do it as long as they have the basic information people will need to consider attending.
Add me as a Friend and I can help with special events, announcements and stuff.
Mike Thies