Show hours are 8 am to 4 pm. Located at 1655 Federal Dr.,the Alabama State Farmer's Market is next to the Coliseum and State Fairgrounds and a Hardee's is on the corner!There will be Vendors and Swap spaces,Games for the Kids and best of all,COVERED PARKING for show vehicles! So Rain or Shine be there! No need to pre-register,plenty of shaded spaces!
FREE Entry for show cars,$25 new part vendors,$5 per 10x12 space for used parts!! You can buy one swap space beside your Show car,or as many as needed just outside the covered area!
We will also have the COOLEST Event shirts!! See them at WWW.VintageVW.Net soon!!
If you are staying over,check out hotels near I-85 exit 6.Everything is close by!
After the Meltdown,we will cruise into Montgomery for a local Cruise-In Nite at Flip's Grill at the corner of Vaughn and Taylor Rds. We had a big turnout of VWs there in years past.It is open to all makes of vehicles.
Email VINTAGE66VW@YAHOO.COM for more info on events or check out our site at WWW.VINTAGEVW.NET
Jeff Kyle cell 205-369-5850
fax 334-361-8426
RSVP for VW Meltdown All VW Show/Swap -Montgomery, AL to add comments!
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