Eclectic Pop-Up Market and Classic Car Cruise-In at Marketplace120 in Marietta, featuring artists,vintage dealers and more in the vendor area. We are also hosting beautiful vintage autos from every generation pre 1980. This event is free and we are located 1/2 a mile south of the Big Chicken in Marietta on HWY. 120, so come out and show off your vintage rides and do a little shopping as well. If you cant make it, tell someone else who can. We'd love to have you!
Expect everything from the wild to traditional in our market and beautiful American steel in our parking lot. Plus feel free to stop inside MarketPlace120 to see galleries of our permanent vendors and artists, perhaps even rent a booth yourself. For more info on the show contact us at or call 678-540-7511. We hope to see you there! Here is our facebook link as well, to see more of the up to date posting and vendors:

RSVP for Pop-Ups and Petrol (Pop-up Market and Cruise-in) -Marietta, GA to add comments!
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