Every Friday: Hendersonville Cruise In: Every Friday night the Hendersonville Cruise-in will be at the Indian Lakes shopping Center off exit 7 of Vietnam's Parkway behind the theater. For more info, visit the WEBSITE..... View or Print FLYER
Welcome - The Hendersonville Cruise In is every Friday night from 6 until 9 pm from April until the end of October....all car nuts are invited....its free, bring the family, games for the kids, shopping for Mom, big car stories for Dad! We are located at The Streets of Indian Lake behind the Regal Cinema Theater at the junction of Indian Lake Boulevard and Vietnam Veterans Parkway.....Combination 50/50 and Door Prize Drawing....Great Music!!!!!!!! From Nashville go north on I-65 to exit 95, go east on Vietnam Veterans Blvd. to exit 7... Did I mention it's..."FREE"...
RSVP for Cruise In -Hendersonville, TN to add comments!
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