Sat.,March 26, 2010 - 4th Annual Auto Swap-A-Rama
Montgomery, Alabama
Sat.,March 26th 7am-12pm is the Vintage Volkswagen Assoc. 4th annual Auto Swap-A-Rama at the same location as the VW Meltdown,
1655 Federal Dr. Montgomery,AL.
so plan on loading up some Musclecar,Hot Rod,VW,Bicycle,Motorcycle stuff,or any cars to trade,or just come hang out with us and shoot the breeze!! Spaces are just $5 for each 10 x 12 lot you want to use!!
The location is the Alabama State Farmer's Market COVERED area,so rain or shine!!
Google map 1655 Federal Drive, Montgomery,AL. for a map...
look for the BIG COW...not kidding... at the entry gate,next to Hardee's
We will be at a Cruise-In Nite at Flip's Grill on Vaughn Rd in Montgomery at 5pm Sat. nite after the swap if the weather is OK.
Contact Jeff Kyle at
VINTAGE66VW@YAHOO.COM is our website
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