WNC Fall Harvest Days
2019 Engine and Tractor Show
Features: antique tractors, hit n' miss engines of all sizes, tractor pulls and
lots of vendors selling parts. Three full days of activities: crafters, sawmill, hit n' miss engines.
More than 250 vendors/exhibitors with tools, antiques, collectibles, toys and odd stuff!
Tractor Parade daily, weather permitting at 2:00 pm.
Oct. 17 - 19, 2019
WNC Agricultural Center, Arden, NC
Gate 7 opens Thursday. 8AM to 5 PM rain or shine
Adult Admission $8 a day or $20 for 3 days includes ACAETA pulls
Children under 12 free with paid adult.
Unreserved selling spaces $40, free admission to qualified exhibitors,
limited 2 people per registration; 3rd and above pay admission.
- Pulls -
Farm Tractors 1964 & earlier on Saturday at 10:00 am
Tractor Pulls will be under the covered arena - enter through Gate 7.
RSVP for Annual Fall Harvest Days, Engine & Tractor show -Arden, NC to add comments!
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